Tuesday, September 17, 2024

9/19/2010 #2 of 3

9/19/2010 #2 of 3

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Length: 26:34
Added: 2010-09-20
Plays: 2253
Likes: 0



Greetings, As our society keeps changing, we must find new ways of presenting the gospel to the communities around us. But before we can do that we must first present the gospel to ourselves. Not leaning on man's understanding, but God's Word. In Hebrews 12, Paul tells us to do away with those things that hinder us from knowing God's word and serving Him. For years the church has been misled to believe that at any time, a person can go to the altar of prayer, and everything will be alright. No leading or drawing of the Holy Spirit. No nurturing or training afterward. No purpose for serving God other than escaping Hell. Therefore there is no born again experience, only a guilt release. In John 3, Jesus tells us we must be born again of the spirit of God. When this happens, a change takes place; not only in the heart, but also in the mind. Then the Holy Spirit will show us and help us with those things that hinder us. Paul also tells us to be patient in our journey while serving God, and to persevere during hardship. Since Jesus endured the cross, we must take up our cross and follow Him, enduring the struggles of this world. YFIC, Pastor Doug