Monday, March 10, 2025

The Local Church: Loving One Another

The Local Church: Loving One Another

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<iframe src="http://player.e-zekiel.tv/Player.asp?key=78E291DB-B1E7-4129-8162-EEF9E46B2D06" width="480" height="270" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>




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Length: 00:39:13
Added: 2012-04-23
Plays: 2244
Likes: 0


All seems to be going well for Nehemiah and the people. But as they rebuild the wall, a widespread outcry issues from the people. In their focus on protecting the worship of God, the people of God had neglected their love for one another. The local church, in her guarding of the true worship of God, must not neglect a chief way that we reflect the character of God: love for one another. Christ has loved us so that we may love one another.