Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Study of Hebrews - Lesson # 20 - A Superior Priesthood Part Two

Study of Hebrews - Lesson # 20 - A Superior Priesthood Part Two

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Posted 2 years ago by Swayer
This lesson on the Superior Priesthood Part Two is an excellent reminder of the significance of Jesus' role as High Priest. It shows us how He is distinct from the Old Testament priests, and how His priesthood is superior in so many ways. cbdbalmsalves.com We are reminded of how He is able to sympathize with our weaknesses, and how He gives us access to the Father without any need of a human intermediary. By studying this lesson, we can be much more conscious of the wonderful privilege we have to call on Him in our times of need.
Length: 00:36:19
Added: 2018-06-11
Plays: 2288
Likes: 0


Hebrews 7:20-28