Sunday, January 12, 2025
Ronald MitchellMedia Statistics:Files: 9 Plays: 85803 Likes: 6 Personal Information:Media1 - 9 of 9
Does God Really Love You? Discovering The Character of God Part 3If God exists, then the pressing question is, what is He like? Consider this, God is passionate about you and has been for all eternity.
Plays: 7310
The Power of the Cross... The Grip of the GrudgeWith holding forgiveness leads to bigger and more difficult obstacles that can threaten even the best of relationships.
Plays: 8091
What Wives Desire and Husbands Crave Part 2Wives thirst for love and husbands hunger for respect.
Plays: 11100
What Wives Desire and Husbands Crave Part 1Marriage, what's love got to do with it? Ask a wife and she'll answer, everything. What's respect got to do with it? Ask a husband and he'll answer, everything.
Plays: 8503
Marriage: Back to the Basics "A Good Marriage Requires Two Good Forgivers"Marriage thrusts two people into the same area with different natures and different expectations. For a marriage to succeed, a husband and wife must become good at forgiving.
Plays: 10063
Marriage: Back to the Basics "The Origins of Marriage"The fundamental practices of any endeavor are critical to success. What are some of those fundamental issues regarding marriage?
Plays: 7513
God in the Ashes: Suffering, Pain and DisappointmentGod can be found in the most unlikely places. To discover God in the midst of my pain and disappointment is to discover one of the most beautiful aspects of God's character.
Plays: 11876
What Marriages and Trees Have In CommonPermanence and staying power remain the trade mark qualities of the nature of marriage. Even when the feelings associated with love ebb and flow the commitment to love is what gets a couple through the stormy seasons.
Plays: 11730
What Marriages and Trees Have In CommonStrong, steady, perseverance are all necessary aspects of enduring the seasons of life. Battered and bent by powerful storms, trees are strengthened by the winds that assail them. Trees are a witness to couples of what marriage can be; even in spite of seasons of trials and hardship.
Plays: 9617