Thursday, December 26, 2024
Pastors Ralph and Pamela Hale (Fathers Heart Ministries)Media Statistics:Files: 226 Plays: 870423 Likes: 109
Media161 - 170 of 226
In The MidstThe story of forgiveness found in the adulterous woman is one for all of us to embrace. Jesus sees us far above the sin, accusation, guilt and shame for our past and present. It is His desire to write a new story about us. Will we allow Him this honor?
Plays: 3943
The Spirit of Truth/The Spirit of Error Part 2What will cause believers to depart from faith, fall away from following Christ? Strong delusion that comes by seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. The spirit of error will move people to seeking lies rather than truth, the Antichrist rather than Christ. Hear why we must seek for and hold to the spirit of truth.
Plays: 3899
The Spirit of Truth/The Spirit of Error Part 1A timely word that will stir our hearts, call us to examine our beliefs and allow the Holy Spirit to work in us the truth of God.
A must hear Word, if you want to be shaken. It will shake you!
Plays: 4083
The Power of KnowingThere is no doubt that becoming a Christian will bring us into some things we would rather not face. However, if we know the end from the beginning we can meet every challenge and every work of God with faith and love. Knowing will enable us to stand secure and become more like Christ.
Plays: 4260
Call to the Highest PlaceThe summons of God is to all. To follow Him is the call. To be with Him so He can change us to change the world around us. It is the highest call to be in the highest place. Will you answer?
Plays: 4017
To See Him Who is InvisableDrawing from Moses as our example, we too are faced with important decisions. Refusing to go with the world order of things will surely place us in a conflict with ourselves. What we choose will either make us or break us or both. It begins and ends with being able to see Him who is invisible.
Plays: 4036
Our Fiery FurnaceThe Hebrew men were offered a place to bow and worship the image before them. Standing fast in their faith great miracles took place. We too are being pressured to offer compromise as the furnace is heating up. Our deliverance depends on which we see and bow too.
Plays: 3876
Things at HandWhen Jesus came he said the time is fulfilled. We often miss the reality of God's working for failing to group things at hand. The Jews did not accept or believe the Gospel and missed the great fulfillment of God's promises. We need to beware lest we do the same.
Plays: 3476
Walking With GodWe read in scripture of all the saints who walked with God. Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and many others. These all had great spiritual life and power. We too can experience this abundant life in Jesus by walking with God as the saints before us have done.
Plays: 4023
The Word The Will The WayWe as Christians are to live a spiritual life. This is found only in Christ's Words that are spirit and life. If we are offended by God's Word, we will not find His will and way for our lives. In His Word we see and hear the real God and we see our real selves. This Word will challenge and call you.
Plays: 3098