Wednesday, December 04, 2024
Tina BuieMedia Statistics:Files: 29 Plays: 127585 Likes: 14
Media1 - 10 of 29
Our Christmas Story?Pastor Dutch Handlang brought the message today from Matthew 2:1-12.
Plays: 5442
Beware of FirePastor Dutch Handlang brought the message this morning from Luke 3:15-17, 21-22.
Plays: 5460
"Kids These Days..."Pastor Dutch handlang brought the message today from God's Word, Luke 2:41-52.
Plays: 5466
Sure, I Believe YouPastor Dutch brought the message this morning based on Matthew 1:18-25.
Plays: 5352
Children's Message 12-16-12Pastor Dutch delivered the Children's Message this Advent morning.
Plays: 5460
"Christ the King"Debbie Connelly, one of our lay speakers brought the message on this very special Sunday from John 18:33-37.
Plays: 5349
Children's Message 11-25-12Debbie Connelly, one of our lay speakers, brought the Children's Message today.
Plays: 5290
Beware of Whom?Pastor Dutch Handlang brought the message this week based on Mark 12:38-44.
Plays: 5427