Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sermon ~ December 24, 2012 ~ "Fear Not!"

Sermon ~ December 24, 2012 ~ "Fear Not!"

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Length: 00:41:27
Added: 2013-01-13
Plays: 3513
Likes: 2




featuring Rev Margaret Gillikin Service of Carols and Candlelight Scripture of Awe and Wonder for Meditation "With my own eyes I've seen your salvation; it's now out in the open for everyone to see: A God-revealing light to all nations!" Simeon's Blessing from Luke 2: 30-32 Christmas Prayer: "Lord, we thank you for the birth of your Son. Help us to prepare again for his coming: to prepare inwardly, in our hearts, and outwardly, in our world. We do not only commemorate the birth of Jesus, but celebrate his presence and his continued rebirth in our hearts. We not only celebrate the meaning of his life for our world, but rejoice at his continued presence and involvement in it. We thank you for that moment 2000 years ago, and for this moment, and for those to come, when the miracle happens again, and the Unseen, Unheard but not Unknown occurs, and he is here and with us yet again. Amen. Affirmation of Faith: I believe in Jesus Christ, our Savior and friend. I believe that in the beginning was the Promise and the Promise was with God and the Promise was God. I believe in the infinite, nurturing creativity of God, in the incarnate, crucified humility of God, in the intimate, inspiring inclusiveness of God. I believe in Jesus Christ, our brother of Light, come to shed light on a world in darkness.