Sunday, January 19, 2025

Study of Hebrews - Lesson # 39 - The Mountains of Law & Grace

Study of Hebrews - Lesson # 39 - The Mountains of Law & Grace

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Posted 2 years ago by Swayer
When we study the book of Hebrews, we see a contrast between the mountains of law and grace. The law is a symbol of God's righteousness, CBD oil while grace is a symbol of His mercy. The law demands perfection, but grace offers forgiveness. The law brings condemnation, but grace brings salvation. The law is like a mountain that we can never climb, but grace is like a bridge that God has built for us to cross.
Length: 00:49:46
Added: 2018-11-12
Plays: 2680
Likes: 0


Hebrews 12:18-29