Saturday, January 18, 2025

Oakdale Baptist Men at Salvo

Oakdale Baptist Men at Salvo

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Length: 00:01:28
Added: 2012-02-12
Plays: 5744
Likes: 2




Oakdale Baptist Men helped Salvo build new homes and rebuild homes flooded out from Hurricane Irene last year. The Oakdale Baptist Men consisting of James Walston, Wayne Walston, Bill Lamm and myself went to Salvo and worked from Wednesday until Friday afternoon with the NCBM Salvo Rebuild Effort. We worked on 3 different jobs which included (1) moving furniture from an outbuilding to a home for an elderly lady, (2) removed existing outside trim board and replaced with new board, and (3) reconstructed a privacy fence (6x6) panels to enclose a property ( we worked 2 days on this one) and completed the reconstruction. We also had the opportunity to meet new friends and share the Gospel with all of the property owners and some other local residents of Salvo. I wish to commend James, Wayne, and Bill for their expertise and patience in working under some extreme conditions in completing the fence. The property owner was absolutely satisfied and amazed by the level of professionalism and attention to detail these men exibited while at her residence. I praise them because they are just plain good at what they do...We serve a powerful God to the best of our ability and He blesses us more than we deserve! Brother Carroll