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5/9/2010 #1 of 3

5/9/2010 #1 of 3

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Length: 21:53
Added: 2010-05-13
Plays: 2339
Likes: 2



Greetings, As we struggle to move forward for Christ Jesus in a world trying to deny Him, what should we do? Let's look into the Word of God for instruction. Joshua 1 gives us some insight. God tells Joshua he will be taking Moses' place. In addition, he would lead the chosen people into the Promise Land. The Jordan River was the barrier. Just as we have barriers keeping us from moving forward. Knowing, once we get through the barrier, everything will work for the good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Then God does something special, He gives Joshua some encouragement with instruction. "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged; for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." He is speaking to us the same way. We just need to get through the barriers that keep us from hearing Him. So let me convey these same encouraging words. Be strong in your faith and courageous in your daily walk with God. YFIC, Pastor Doug