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8/15/2010 #3 of 3

8/15/2010 #3 of 3

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Length: 29:59
Added: 2010-08-18
Plays: 2307
Likes: 0



Greetings, What things in life do you take serious? It could be a job, hobby, sport, music, family, friend, or just about anything. How about God? How serious do we take our relationship with God? It seems that the very thing we need the most, we neglect the most. The problem is that most Christians don't realize it. We get so caught up in the things of this world. The way we know what we are most serious about, is the time we put in it. The things we put into practice. Jesus tells us in Matthew 7 to put into practice those things He says. Paul tells us the same thing in Philippians 4. It's time to get serious about God and apply His word and put it into practice. Please don't delay. Do it now. YFIC, Pastor Doug