Saturday, January 18, 2025



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Length: 49:52
Added: 2011-01-09
Plays: 2452
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Greetings, When Paul wrote to the Ephesians, He wanted them to understand God's love for them and all mankind. Not only did God know us before the creation of all things, He knew He would have to design a better way. Since man sinned, something had to change to bring us back to Him. Of course, free will still plays a huge part with us. We still have to choose and receive this new way. This new design consisted of sending His Son to Earth and being born of a virgin. And his name is JESUS. He is Christ the Messiah. This was the beginning of grace. When Christ Jesus died on the cross, grace was extended, and it is grace through faith that we are saved. Therefore, it is through the death of Christ that we are made alive. For we were spiritually dead because of the sinful lifestyle we lived, that is why Jesus said that we must be born againâ?¦ born of the Spirit of God. So we can live a life, Holy and pleasing to Him. That is why we can no longer live with sin, because it is conformity to the world and brings death to the soul. Moreover, when there is sin it is impossible to please God. Let's praise God for providing all this for us, and seek to please Him. YFIC, Pastor Doug